Sunday, June 16, 2013


A big huge spell of randomness... Utterly normal, day to day stuff... Nothing really new...

All this broken today morning- by rains!!

Rains, coming down in torrents (oops, not the file sharing types), flooding away all the stagnated feelings, drenching the body and cleansing the soul...

The sheer, unadulterated joy of roaming around aimlessly in the rains, making faces at kids who reply back in kind!! The feeling of water gushing through your toes as you wade away... Taking a slide at a earthen mound lubricated by water... Intoxicating!!!

But why am I trying to describe it? It was too good to be put down in words... Almost too good to have happened... Was it all a dream?? My wet T Shirt says otherwise....

Sunday, April 21, 2013


Lots happening...
A trip to Vaishnodevi...
Complimentary meals by GoAir (for no rhyme or reason I could think of)!!!
A 10 hour trek up and down... with views ranging from lovely mountainside to disgusting youngsters going up on ponies while oldies were going dandvat (दं ड व त  )!!!
Utter, crass commercialisation of faith!!!
An interesting train ride back, with even more interesting co-passengers and a couple of oh-so-cute kids!!

And finally, missing my flight for the next leg of my vacations!! 

I think one could say that I have been a trifle busy (in a nice sense of the word) of late, innit???

Monday, March 25, 2013